(BMS) Building Management System
A Building Management System
(BMS) centralize control of HVAC,
lighting, lighting, elevators, pumps,
and tanks, etc., in a building. It
enhances efficiency, comfort, and
safety through real-time monitoring
and management of energy
consumption, contributing to
sustainable operations.
Water Pumps
1-Follow-up of the operating and separation status of drinking water pumps
2- Follow-up of pump malfunctions
3-Pump pressure monitoring
4-Tank level monitoring
Diesel Generator
1- Follow up the disconnection and operation times of the diesel generator.
2-Follow-up of malfunctions and charging circuit.
Fire fighting pumps
1- Follow up the operating and separation status of the jockey pump.
2. Follow up the operating and disconnection status of the fire electricity pump
3. Follow-up of the operating and disconnection status of the diesel pump
4. Disconnect the current and malfunctions of the jockey pump
-5 Warning of disconnection of the current and malfunctions of the fire electricity pump
6. Disconnecting the current and faults of the diesel pump
7. Follow-up of fire water pressure and leakage
Submersible water pumps
1-Follow up on the operating and disconnecting status of submersible pumps + create pipelines
2- Follow up on disconnecting and operating electricity from submersible pumps + constructing pipelines
3- Follow up the duration of operation of submersible pumps + create pipes
4-Monitoring the groundwater level + establishing waterfalls
5- Follow up on malfunctions of submersible pumps + L.O. TRIP (construction of plumbing).
Single Line Diagram SLD
Water Plumbs and Tanks
Fire Alarm System
Communications Alarms
Digital Power Meter (DPM)
Events and Alarms